Be part of the hotel loyalty programme that lets you indulge in generous rewards, exclusive privileges, special rates and more at 800+ hotels, resorts and palaces from 40 hotel brands in 100+ countries.
Register for free to unlock Member Rates and more at 800+ hotels and 38,000 vacation homes.
With every eligible stay, receive up to 7% back in DISCOVERY Dollars (D$) to spend on your future getaways.
Make your dream holiday happen with exclusive savings and experiences tailored for every travel style.
Enhance your stay with packages that suit your needs or save with offers. Book early to take advantage of Advance Bookings savings, or choose a Bed & Breakfast package to add ease to your getaway. Need more time? Save more with a Stay Longer and Save offer! Explore our offers to make the most of your trip!
GHA’s 20th Anniversary Promotion has come to an end. A massive thank you to all our members who truly went above and beyond in exploring GHA DISCOVERY’s collection of hotel brands. Now, let’s get the drum roll going …
Earn an additional D$15 for all eligible stays booked through the GHA DISCOVERY app and completed stays by 31 December 2024. Explore with the GHA DISCOVERY app for more rewards and a better travel experience. It’s all in your hands.
Indeed, travel unfolds as a significant chapter in the story of one's life. Each journey, whether across borders or within one's own country, represents a narrative of exploration, growth, and self-discovery. It's a chapter where the pages are filled with the colors of diverse landscapes, the melodies of different languages, and the warmth of shared moments, making the story of life truly extraordinary.
From an epic solo travel adventure to the ultimate relaxation, let our collection of unique destinations inspire you. Plan and book your future getaway with our global collection now!
Stay in style at hotels from 40 independent hotel brands in 100+ countries. Seeking local flair that exceeds expectations? Check our reviews.